12 Sales And Marketing Experts Views On Social Selling

SMBL Consulting
3 min readJun 23, 2020

The most common reason salespeople don’t succeed with social selling is because they weren’t trained properly, or at all.

If you’re not building trust and leading with authenticity, or you’re afraid of putting yourself out there online, you’re probably missing out on a LOT of organic engagement!

I’ve found that when people suffer with generating organic engagement on social media it’s for a few reasons.

Luckily, I have plenty of ideas about what you can do about it.

So, this week on SocialMediaBossLady, I am talking to you all about social selling —

Social selling is critical for sales teams to effectively communicate with their audience.

There are new tools, techniques and technologies introduced daily and it’s hard to keep up.

With that in mind, one can’t go wrong when making thought leadership a key consideration when deploying social selling techniques.

There is a quote I love: “it’s a disservice not to share your gifts with the world.”

While I figure that having so many stats out there about social selling is a good thing — it means people are talking about it — it can be overwhelming to boil it all down to just a few numbers that really prove social selling is much more than just being the new flavor in sales.

If you’re in the sales or marketing industries, then you definitely have experienced the highs and lows.

There’s nothing more motivating than feeling empowered by some real hard-hitting words. Sometimes all you need is just a little pick-me-up or a motivational quote that will spark a change.

Here are 12 different personalities who are at the forefront of Social Selling; experts that have walked in your shoes and experienced the same hurdles.

Feel free to share them with your network and spread your love for Social Selling



SMBL Consulting

We are a full end-to-end spectrum of digital marketing services. We also offer content marketing strategies that are aligned with your buyer’s journey.